Tidningarna, Women's Health och Men's Health har gjort en lista på de bästa sommar kropparna i år!
Några av våra underbara twilight-skådisar hamnade ju definitivt på listan/listorna!
Ashley hamnade på tredje plats, på tjej-listan.

To play a vampire in the third installment of the blockbuster Twilight series, the actress had to sculpt her 5’5” frame into a lean, mean fighting machine. During filming, she focused on cardio and side planks (great for toning her obliques—her trouble area), and even held squat contests with her female co-stars. When it comes to staying in shape on the road, she’s a fan of Wii Fit video games.
Taylor hittar vi på tredje plats, på kill-listan sjävklart ;D

It may not look like it now, but Taylor Lautner isn't a naturally strong guy. He became that way out of necessity. After all, between the first and second Twilight films, his character grew into a powerful werewolf. That meant he needed to gain 30 pounds of muscle in a year. Which he did, transforming his 5'10", 140-pound, teenage frame into a rippled fitness animal. You might say that going from scrawny to brawny was simply a brilliant career move. But he isn’t done yet: "My character continues to grow," says Lautner, who’s now starring in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, "so I'd like to pack on at least a few more lean pounds."
och sist men definitivt inte minst, hittar vi Kellan!
Gissa på vilken plats?..
Första plats såklart ;D!!
Kellan Lutz understands the power of a six-pack. His abs epiphany came during an eighth-grade graduation party at a water park. "Before then, I never knew abs were attractive," says the 25-year-old, who plays vampire Emmet Cullen in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. "Where I grew up in Arizona, you would never see anyone without a shirt on at school. But when I took off my shirt, all the girls were, like, 'Oh, look at your abs!' And I was, like, 'Yeah!'" Psychologists call this "positive reinforcement." And Lutz instinctively knew what to do: Stay active.
Vad tycker ni?, Hade ni velat se några andra twilight-skådisar där istället för dessa?
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